While raising cattle is the operation’s central enterprise, the Galt Ranch would not be complete without its longtime horse-breeding program.
Ranch horses are raised with the foundation bloodlines going back to TWO-EYED JACK and DOC BAR, producing horses that are gentle, thick bodied,
and good keepers. Galt bred horses typically stand 15 to 16 1/2 hands tall and weigh 1,100 to 1,300 pounds.
The broodmare band presently numbers 11 head and with the arrival of spring, these mares foal out on the range. The horses roam free on 6 to 10
sections of range in large pastures. The mares stay out in the open pastures even in winter, when they continue grazing while receiving hay as a
Navigating from birth the rough and rocky terrain of the foothills teaches the foals the sure-footedness and natural instincts needed to grow up
into trusted mounts. Since most of our horses are sold as youngsters and in previous years, broke horses, word of mouth of their dependability as
ranch horses puts them in demand.
Currently we offer weanlings and yearlings for sale with the occasional un-started two or three year old available. Foals are weaned and haltered
late in the year. Our haltering program focuses on developing respect and confidence in our horses. Each session is short and to the point keeping
the horse engaged and curious. We provide a solid foundation in which the horse can use to progress when they begin their work under saddle.
Looking for top quality ranch horses based out of Montana? The Galt Ranch has a longtime horse-breeding program and skilled horse trainers which
allows us to offer some of the best working horses in the business.